# First / last (join-leave) PlayedP lge/cup Starts subs WinsW % DrawsD % LossesL % GoalsG g/m x3 Pens Subbed Reds
1 Gary Porter (1983-1997) 472 402/70429 43159 33.7%131 27.8%182 38.6%56 0.12117411
2 Arthur Woodward (1926-1945) 432 391/29432 0170 39.4%103 23.8%159 36.8%19 0.040000
3 Kenny Jackett (1978-1990) 428 337/88419 9178 41.6%103 24.1%147 34.3%34 0.08011121
4 Stewart Scullion (1966-1976) 348 312/36340 8136 39.1%86 24.7%126 36.2%55 0.1607150
5 George Catleugh (1954-1965) 327 293/34327 0123 37.6%83 25.4%121 37%17 0.050000
6 Taffy Davies (1930-1950) 325 283/29325 0132 40.6%80 24.6%113 34.8%75 0.231900
7 Dennis Bond (1964-1978) 301 272/29300 1116 38.5%83 27.6%102 33.9%42 0.140990
8 Nigel Callaghan (1980-1991) 298 234/60275 23137 46%69 23.2%92 30.9%52 0.1701260
9 John Barnes (1981-1987) 296 233/59295 1135 45.6%64 21.6%97 32.8%85 0.2911150
10 Micah Hyde (1997-2004) 286 256/30267 19104 36.4%72 25.2%110 38.5%27 0.0900482
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